One of the things we hear a lot is ‘I’m tall, what about me?’. Well, we hear you so we’re thinking about the possibilities for different size spheres. These may not come together since tooling for each panel will be around $10,000 (x3!) but we’re already laying the groundwork.
A base that can be expanded is one option, then we can use the same parts to hold three different size spheres. One part for many uses is our motto!
This pictures shows how one part can support three different size spheres, 1.4m, 1.6m and 1.8m. So if you’re short or only have a small space you could pick a small sphere and if you really want to be able to spread out a 1.8m sphere could be your choice.
It’s just a concept so don’t get too excited! 🙂 Have a render of the middle version in the desert.
I could see space art of @EliteDangerous being on the sides of that! 😉