Email setup

Yes, I know this should be one of the first things you do but my problem has been that I’ve been looking for a place to serve my emails. Running an email server is so much trouble (and a big problem if hacked) that I’ve been putting it off. I’m not...

Spinning problem :p

So far so good but I think I might need a motor…. using a piece of string to spin it up should get you to 2000rpm apparently but its at 10,000+ that you start to feel it, and getting it up to those speeds when it’s not really a powerball might be an issue...

Vision Goal : Gear change haptics

One good thing that came my from exploration of counter rotation gyroscopes is an idea for haptics for the Feel Three platform. Now I know the motion simulator is one big ball of haptics but this adds a little more subtlety and range to the platform. I’m not...