Rotation and G forces

Let see if I can figure out what the other sims available have in their specifications to see what I need to aim for. CKAS Thruxim static overload (G-force) = up to 0.5G dynamic overload = up to 2G Blue Tiger “BlueTiger provides ±20° of independent pitch and...

Laser quote!

Well, that was easier! 20 hours to get a quote on cutting up my panels, pretty good. As for the prices, well I’d like to pay less but it’s not outrageous. I could fit both the panels and laser cutting on one credit card… not that that’s the...

Laser brains

So 21 laser places email, 10 replies, 5 replied ‘no we only cut flat objects’ AFTER I told them it wouldn’t be flat in the first email… One place, which I won’t identify can’t cut metal, despite having the word ‘cut’ in...

Chasing Laser cutting companies.

I just emailed 16 laser cutting companies in the UK. I really hope I can just find one place who could do the whole job but this might not be possible. The lead time for the quote I received today was 4 weeks, which means I get the uncut plates, send them to the laser...