Had a really nice idea…

The website is good, I can do nice renders and demo videos but what is the best way to really present my whole concept? Well, I’m building a hardware device that going to be used in virtual reality (duh) so it goes without saying that my customers will be people...

Heave solution Number Two…

Was kind of lost when my computer crashed.  🙁 Again its going to enter into the realm of ‘that can’t work’ and ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ for most people. Again, have a little patience. I’m concerned with possible stresses...

Figuring out a better base

Obviously you don’t want a load bearing castor on a shelf, thats a disaster waiting to happen, so the outer one at least  is moved to the center of the frame… These models work so much nice when there isn’t a chain clogging my my CPU 🙂 Two linear...

Heave motion orbit analysis

It’s rubbish!! :p The irony of making something, rendering it and putting it on youtube means that as soon as you see it ‘working’ you see all the reasons why it won’t work. I guess this is what people don’t realise, you have to make...