How many degrees do we need?

Everything moves in 6 degrees of freedom. You can move something in three dimensions and rotate it on three axis, hence the SIX degrees of movement. Now ideally you would be able to mimic all six and you’d have the perfect simulator. Or would you? Even the $6m+...

Rolling on a river

So how about not lifting the user but instead we rotate the platform instead. [iframe width=”480″ height=”360″ src=”//” ] This drastically reduces the power requirements, but again with a platform...

The competition

There are a few commercial platforms available and quite a lot of homemade ones so clearly the interest is there. [iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//”] [iframe width=”640″...

Considering the problem.

So I knew that in order to come up with something successful it would need to achieve a few goals. Affordability: it needed to use cheap components, not only for prototyping it but so it wouldn’t cost a fortune. Small to ship : If I wanted to send it around the...

Beginning the project

I originally started off designing a six degrees of freedom joystick for a few upcoming space games : Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen since there weren’t any available. I ended up creating something that worked and interfaced fine in windows but I still...